Hire Live Chat Agents for your Website

Hire Live Chat Agents for your Website

Live Chat Customer ServiceHire Live Chat Agents for your Website: Are you looking to increase leads or sales on your website?

Would you believe having live chat on your website increases customers leads (for service businesses), sales and average basket value (for e-commerce sites).

If you want to know more about the benefits of live chat for your website, see here.

Otherwise in this blog we talk about your options to hire live chat agents for your website.


Hire Live Chat Agents for your Website Option 1

hire live chat agents for your website option 1 Chat botRobots.


You heard me right.

Many large companies are now using robots – known as ‘chat-bots’ on their website to provide customer service.

While this is an extremely automated process, so is very cost-effective after the initial set-up, it doesn’t work terribly well for your customer.

This is because the artificial intelligence – or ‘learning’ robots are not quite there yet when it comes to interacting in a human conversation and truly understanding all the nuances of what your customers might want or need.

This includes any colloquial language they use, or relationship-building jokes, or comments they may make.

Talking to chat-bots – a test

A case in point: we recently were on the live chat of a large multinational business selling transport vehicles.

We didn’t know if the live chat was manned by a robot or a human.

We acted like normal.

When the live chat agent took us through an automated sequence, we made polite general chat, as you would with a human.

However as soon as we deviated off their path, or asked a fairly normal question, it immediately became obvious that we were talking to a computer not a person.

This is because the technology was just not sophisticated enough to help us with what we personally needed. Or to have a normal conversation.



Let’s just say it put us off using that particular company for what we needed.

So we give chat-bots the thumbs down for now.

We certainly don’t rule them out for the future, however haven’t found them to understand customers enough to recommend you outsource your website live chat to them today.

Hire Live Chat Agents for your Website Option 2

Online Chat for business your ultimate guideActually hire PEOPLE, people!

Oh what a revolutionary idea.

To use REAL people to chat to your customers online.

You’re probably thinking about how much that might cost you, and how much training you’re going to need to give them, and, when all is said and done you may be thinking that I ‘may as well do it myself’.

However – think again.

Live chat staff are an incredibly cost effective way to serve your customers online.

It’s like having a receptionist in the front of your business, except that receptionist is online.

And much better than a search bar.

Nobody expects the receptionist to know how to unblock a toilet; or sell a home; but they do expect them to be able tell them a bit more about the business and point them in the right direction if they need more information – like booking an appointment with an expert.

In our experience, just having that human interaction available to help, is what most people want.

Hire Live Chat Agents – Training takes up less time than you think

So in our experience, you just DON’T KNOW exactly what your customers are going to ask online, and most of our Australian businesses we deal with are pretty surprised by how simple online customer questions are to answer.

Our Live Chat Agents are experienced in website chat and online customer service.

You couldn’t get better if you trained someone yourself.

The reality is, you really just need to tell us the basics about your business and type of customers you service.

We do the rest for you, including having systematic processes and procedures in place to keep up to date with the ever changing information on your business.

And the beauty about hiring live chat agents 24-7 is? They’re there 24-7 for your customers.


Hire Live Chat Agents – Cheaper than you think

Which brings me to the next point – live chat agents are cheaper and more effective than you could ever imagine.

You are not paying for them to sit there and do nothing.

And you’re not paying for overtime when they’re answering chats at 1am in the morning, because that’s when your customers want answers.

You ONLY pay for them if they’re chatting with a customer any time of day or night.

So when, for example, our company charges $80 / chat hour per month, that means you can have one hour of back to back chats / month for only $80. It doesn’t matter if that means 2 x 1.3 minute chats per day or 1 x 2.6 minute chat per day at 2am in the morning, for example – you still pay the same.

Depending on how long each chat is, you can generate a LOT of hot leads and sales for that! As our clients do.

That’s also because chat is proven as the most efficient and effective way to deal with customers online.

It’s faster and cheaper for them than a phone call or email; and faster and cheaper to deal with for you as a business.

No more ringing phones.

No more emails.

Immediate response – and happy customers.

If you want to know more about how to Hire OUR live chat agents, let’s talk! 

Testimonials from our clients who use our Live Chat Agents


I saw an immediate increase in conversions and average basket value when I got live chat on my ecommerce store. Amazing service - can't recommend the 24-7 chat team enough! Continue Reading

Felicia Rusher Founder, I Still Call Australia Home (Australian gifts and gift hampers) September 16, 2017

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